Boston's Flat-Fee Financial Planner
Providing Investment Management and Advice for an all-inclusive flat-fee of $525 per month regardless of assets size
Have you been considering?

What's my
retirement plan?

Which accounts
should I withdraw
from first?

When should I take
social security?

Will a market
downturn impact my

How can I minimize
my tax bill?
I'm Nick Stevens
Welcome to Evergreen Retirement Planning
Evergreen Retirement Planning is a Registered Investment advisor working with families who are planning for, or who are now in retirement.
I imagine you remember preparing for retirement in your early working years. You most likely started investing smartly and although it certainly was not easy, it was much simpler; you did the best you could saving and growing your nest egg.
And here you are today. The concept of retiring is upon you and now the complexity starts to increase.
We do our best to look at your unique, individual financial position to determine the best plan for living well in retirement.
It's our firm values, unique flat-fee schedule, and intentional “staying small” approach as a fiduciary that we hope will provide you tremendous value in the years to come.
Flat-Fee Schedule
- Financial planning and investment management included in our flat fee
- Should your account balance determine your fee-schedule?
Peace of mind knowing our interests are aligned. This assures our intentions are keeping our clients for the long term and any advice resulting in changes to your plan or investments have zero impact on our firms revenue.
Investment Advisor for Life
- Have you had multiple advisors leave their firm?
- Evergreen was founded with the intention of staying small and to provide long term stability
Introducing the Evergreen Process
Leading you to a bright future in retirement
At Evergreen Retirement Planning we understand there will always be concerns for what the future may bring.
As a fiduciary, Evergreen serves as an investment advisor in Boston, Massachusetts to help you focus on the things we can control to assure you have peace of mind and security.
Your priorities will always be the focus as we realize many times personal circumstances
are more important than the numbers.
Clearly identify what's most important to you and the retirement you envision
Implement personalized adjustments to better align your money plan with your life plan
Enjoy a flexible and
trustworthy strategy
as your life evolves
Our comprehensive list of services
To create a solid plan you can trust
Financial Planning
Retirement Planning
Cash flow analysis
Investment Management
Socially responsible investing
Tax sensitive investment strategies
Estate Planning
College funding strategies
Have more questions?
Retiring with confidence doesn’t mean we have to predict the future or pretend to have all the answers. Together, we will put a clear and flexible plan in place that can be relied on through all markets.